Posts Tagged ‘Swing Trading Blog’

Swing Trading Week in Review – March 4, 2011

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP


After a BIG sell off on Tuesday the overall market rebounded a bit Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday the SELLERS came back out to play and drove the market lower once again.


It is definitely a "mixed bag" out there with several stocks and ETF's holding up while others are falling apart.

The Retail sector ($RTH) and Homebuilders ($XHB) are still showing weakness as they trade just below their 50 day SMA.


Oil Services ($OIH), Energy  ($XLE) and especially the US Oil ETF ($USO) all remain strong.


As we wrote in last weeks BLOG post we are back into taking positions on both sides of the market.

This week we will approach our trading in the same "mode" as last.

Plenty of stocks are showing weakness and if there is follow through to the down side then these stocks will be the ones to SHORT.

If the market does somehow find some legs then we will turn to the stocks in the sectors that are holding up the best.

Until next week…Good trading to YOU!



Swing Trading Week in Review – February 25, 2011

Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP


Now things get interesting!

The overall market saw its first significant pullback in a mighty long time this week.

After pushing to NEW HIGHS for the year again on Monday the SELLERS came out of the woodwork on Tuesday and pushed the market lower.

The SELLING continued Wednesday and Thursday before finally letting up on Friday.

Some sectors (Oil Services and Energy) held up quite well this week while others (Retail, Homebuilders, Steel) fell below their 50 day SMA for the first time in several weeks.

$XLE - Swing Trading ETF $SLX

As we move into next week we are definitely looking at BOTH sides of the market for trading opportunities.

How the market follows through from here will be key.

We will have no problem having both LONG and SHORT positions until the market gives us a a clear cut direction.

When you are looking through your charts this weekend get back into the habit on having both LONGS and SHORTS on your Watch List.

And just a reminder… we have created a list of Inverse ETF's just in case the whole "shorting" thing doesn't work for you.

Next week should be interesting for sure!

Until then…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – February 18, 2011

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

DIA - Swing Trading

Up Up Up and away!

Yes the rally continues for yet another week!

The overall market and many sector ETF's moved higher this week leaving many shaking their heads in disbelief.

We moved back into LONG ONLY mode a few weeks back and the market has cooperated nicely.

One sectors price action towards the end of the week did stand out though.

Take a look at some of the Agriculture related stocks to see what we mean.

$MOS, $CF, $AGU and $POT all put in lower high as sellers stepped in on Friday pushing these stocks lower.

MOS - Swing Trading $CF - Swing Trading

The SELL OFF in these stocks happened during a very strong week in the market.

Not yet a sign to get bearish on this sector but something to watch as we move forward from here.

On the LONG side things are obviously much more clear.

The Energy sector got a lift this week and some of the stocks we mentioned a few weeks ago broke out nicely.

$BHI, $NBR and $MRO all turned in a nice week of gains.

$BHI - Swing Trading

As we move into next week we will stick with our "Bullish" attitude and stay away from the short side.

As short term traders we realize that things can change in an instant though.

We will continue to listen to what the market tell us and attempt to profit accordingly.

We hope you will do the same!

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – February 5, 2011

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

Swing Traders watched as the overall market rallied to NEW HIGHS again this week.

The lackluster volume we saw early in the week was followed by increased buying on Thursday and Friday as the market pushed past  the 12,000 level again.


The sector action was still a bit mixed and again this week you had to pick your spots when getting LONG at this level.

The Technology sector ETF ($XLK) and the Semiconductor ETF ($SMH) were tow of the standout sectors this week.


The Financials ($XLF), Energy ($XLE), Oil Services ($OIH) and Agriculture ($MOO, $DBA) also remain strong and are worth watching as we move into next week.

Some of stocks on our Watch List continue to rise with the strength of the overall market.

The Semiconductor Equipment makers $KLAC, $LRCX, $NVLS, and $AMAT remain strong and $CRUS has been a real rockstar!


Some of the Energy stocks look a bit extended while others have pulled back off of their most recent highs.

This sector has several stocks to watch going into next week.

Scroll through the charts in this sector and take a look at $BHI, $MEE, and $COG and watch to see if these stocks offer you a good trade setup.


A few of the Insurance stocks ($MET, $AET) are poised for a nice break out and Whole Foods ($WFMI) is still holding up and looking strong.

Take Two ($TTWO) and Electronic Arts ($ETRS) both rallied to NEW YEARLY HIGHS on nice volume this week so keep these on your Watch List as well.


We have a bunch of stocks on our Watch List as we move into next week.

The volume follow through we saw on Thursday and Friday puts us back in LONG mode but as always we will watch to see how the market follows through on Monday.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

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