Archive for the ‘Swing Trading Charts’ Category

Swing Trading Week in Review – January 28, 2011

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP


The week of the Good, the Bad and the UGLY!

Well the GOOD news is that the DJIA moved to NEW HIGHS again this week AND both the S&P 500 and NASADAQ follwed suit.

The BAD news is that once again the price action in the individual stocks paints a different picture.

We have been saying this for a few weeks now but as more and more stocks start to show signs of weakness it is something to take note of.

This weeks UP move in the market was on DECREASING VOLUME and Friday the volume finally picked up but…it was on the SELL side!

Look at the chart above to see what we mean.

A market moving higher on lower and lower volume is never a good sign but as always how the market follows through will be key.

If you are trading the major index  ETF's ($DIA, $SPY, $QQQQ, etc.) then all has been very good for you on the LONG side and this week was no different.

If you Swing Trade both stocks and ETF's then you may have actually been able to make some trades on the SHORT side as well these past few weeks.

It really depends on the type of Swing Trader you are and how often you need to trade to reach your goals.

We have been posting about the weakness in some of the individual Retail names for a few weeks now.

$ANN, $M, $ANF, and $TIF are a few that come to mind.


On the LONG side we have mentioned the Energy ($XLE) and Semiconductors ($SMH) were holding up well and this week both sectors moved a but higher.

$BHI, $COP and $SUN popped this week as did $KLAC, $NVLS and $ATMI.


As we look through the charts from this week that biggest thing that stands out is the BIG VOLUME coming into these stocks as they sell off.

Take a look at a few charts like $MWW, $IDSA, $F and $FDX to see what we mean.

Fridays sell off was a BIG ONE and the volume that accompanied it should grab your attention.

This market has gone UP and UP and UP for a long time so when and if we get any kind of correction it could be a decent one.

Don't try to outguess the market…simply be ready for whatever the market throws your way.

Next week should be interesting for sure!

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – January 14, 2011

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

And UP we go!!! (Again!)

After a week of increased selling last week we watched as the market rallied (again) to NEW HIGHS!

In last weeks BLOG POST we told you that we were concerned coming into this week because of the selling we witnessed last week.

One sector that we mentioned was the Semiconductor sector ($SMH).

Last week a few stocks in this sector had some BIG TIME selling going on.

$LRCX, $ATMI, and $NVLS we the names that we mentioned.

As we came into this week we were watching to see how these stocks and the Semiconductor ETF were going to trade.

Monday was a good indication that this sector was starting to move higher again.

After showing a bit of weakness last week this new move to the UP side could be merely a "retrace" after the move down.

When Tuesday came around and we watched as the volume increased to push most of these stocks (and the ETF) higher we figured the sector had found its legs once again.


That being said we still were NOT looking to take any trades in these specific stocks due to their weakness last week.

The were plenty of STRONGER sectors for us to watch so we simply took notice of the change in sentiment in this sector and will watch for follow through  next week.

The sectors that we mentioned last week that were "holding up well and worth watching" all turned in a nice week.

The FInancials (XLF), Hombuilders (XHB), Broker/Dealers (IAI), Agriculture (DBA) and Energy (XLE) and Oil (OIH) provided us plenty of opportunity this week.


As we enter into next week we are once again in FULL RALLY mode.

Our plan (as always) is to stick with the strong sectors and avoid the weak ones.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – January 7, 2011

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

The new year is HERE!

SPY - ETF Swing Trading

On a positive note the market continued to rally to NEW HIGHS this week.

On a different note we are starting to see some signs that concern us moving into next week.

One of the biggest things we have noticed this past week is that the SELLERS are becoming much more aggressive at these levels.

This has been evident in many of of the individual stocks that we monitor each and every day.

Take a look at some stocks like ATMI, LRCX, and NVLS in the Semiconductor sector.


The Retail stocks have also taken a hit this week.

Look at ANN, M, TIF and TGT (to name a few).


We also take notice of the fact that some of the recently strong sector ETF's have shown a bit of weakness as the overall market moved higher this week.

As expected the Retail ETF's (RTH) are fist on this list.

Gold (GLD) and the Gold Miners (GDX) also got whacked this week.


With the noticeable selling coming into some of the Semiconductor stocks we are anxious to see watch next week has in store for this sector ETF (SMH).

Some of the other sector ETF's are holding up very well and are worth watching next week.

The FInancials (XLF), Hombuilders (XHB), Broker/Dealers (IAI), Agriculture (DBA) and Energy (XLE) and Oil (OIH) are on this list.


The number of sectors on this list is evidence of the overall strength of this market BUT there are signs that are a bit concerning for us.

Next week should be a good indication of where we go from here.

Sooner of later a PULLBACK will be upon us.

With that in mind make sure you have a plan in place so you can benefit (in one way or another) when the PULLBACK comes.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!


P.s – You can sign up for our FREE Weekly Swing Trading Newsletter by submitting your name and email address HERE!

Swing Trading Week in Review – December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

The SANTA CLAUS rally continues!

The holiday shortened week saw the market push higher although both VOLUME and VOLATILITY were less than impressive.


So what do we do from here?

No one knows for sue but a move on significant volume should give traders a clue.

As far as Sector ETF's go we are seeing the most of the strongest sectors continue to "drift" upwards.

Retail ($RTH), Energy ($XLE), Oil ($USO) and Oil Services ($OIH) all had a decent week.

Agriculture ($DBA) had a nice move this week as it moved to a NEW YEARLY HIGH.


Despite the "stall" on Thursday the Financials ($XLF), Broker/Dealers ($IAI) and the Homebuilders ($XHB) a nice move as well.


With a few exceptions most of the individual stocks on our Watch List followed the markets lead.

The lack of VOLUME lead to a lot of sideways trading this week.

Target ($TGT) and Carnival Cruise Lines ($CCL) were two stocks that provided us with nice LONG trade setups AND followed through nicely to close the week.


As this nice move in the market continues the lack of VOLUME and VOLATILITY that we have mentioned in this post is a sign of caution as we move into next week.

The momentum has slowed a bit but that doesn't mean that it cant continue next week.

The only thing we can do as traders is to prepare ourselves for whatever the market decides to do and take the appropriate action.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

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