Archive for the ‘Swing Trading Charts’ Category

Swing Trading BLOG – Week in Review – April 15, 2011

Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP


After failing to break out to the upside on Monday the market put in a nice orderly pullback to its 50 day SMA this week.

The overhead resistance is in place and its a good sign when the 50 day holds as support.

In order for us to stay optimistic about this market moving higher we are going to have to see price action and volume confirm our thoughts.

If the market stalls looks for clues that a short term trend transition may be in order.

Earlier this week we posted a list of Gold Stocks to watch and a list of Silver ETF's.

We posted these to remind you of the recent strength in these two sectors.

Lets take a look at the chart for the Gold ($GLD) and Silver ($SLV) ETF's


Both sector ETF's are in solid UP TRENDS and offered yet another opportunity for Swing Traders to profit.

While some Swing Trading BLOGS were actually advocating SHORTING these sectors we remained BULLISH due to the obvious strength.

No one knows for sure what the future holds but for now these two are about the strongest sectors in the market.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – April 8, 2011

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP


Swing traders watched as the market moved to NEW HIGHS again this week but the move lacked the follow through that we were hoping for.

The week started out on a positive but was quickly followed by a three consolidation pattern to end the week.

The market is still strong of course so there were several ETF's and individual stocks making some nice moves.

With Oil being a very active sector it is no surprise that the US Oil ETF ($USO) turned in a great week.


Another sector on the move this week was the Retail sector ($RTH)…


This sector has rebounded nicely and is trading back near its 3 month high.

This BLOG post would be complete without mentioning that both the GOLD and SILVER ETF's ($GDX $GLD $SLV) are definitely "in play"!


All the sectors listed above (and a few others) are on our radar as we move into trading next week.

The Technology sector ($XLK $SMH) seems to be lagging a bit as this market remains strong.

For now we are sticking mostly to the LONG side as the market continues to trade near its highs.

We will keep an eye on the SHORT side just in case thing take a turn for the worst.

Be prepared for anything…and until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – February 11, 2011

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

DIA - Swing Trading

In last weeks BLOG post we told you that we were back in "LONG ONLY" mode and this week the market did NOT let us down.

The overall market and most of the sector ETF's rallied to NEW YEARLY HIGHS this week.

A bunch of stocks on our Watch List made nice moves this week.

The Semiconductors ($SMH) remained strong but most of the other sectors moved up nicely as well.

The Financials ($XLF) and the Real Estate ($IYR) ETF's broke out this week.

IYR - Swing Trading ETF

$TTWO and $ERTS are still holding up and $WFMI (mentioned last week) had a nice break away gap to the UP side on Thursday.

WFMI - Swing Trading

We could go on and on about the stocks that rallied last week but that would be of little use to you moving forward.

Instead we will let you know that some of the Energy stocks we mentioned last week are still poised to break out.

As the market continues to rally look for the stocks that are setting up nicely as we move into next week.

The "LONG ONLY" mode continues and we hope that you are taking advantage of this tremendous rally in the market!

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

Swing Trading Week in Review – February 5, 2011

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

Swing Trading BLOG – Swing Trading BOOT CAMP

Swing Traders watched as the overall market rallied to NEW HIGHS again this week.

The lackluster volume we saw early in the week was followed by increased buying on Thursday and Friday as the market pushed past  the 12,000 level again.


The sector action was still a bit mixed and again this week you had to pick your spots when getting LONG at this level.

The Technology sector ETF ($XLK) and the Semiconductor ETF ($SMH) were tow of the standout sectors this week.


The Financials ($XLF), Energy ($XLE), Oil Services ($OIH) and Agriculture ($MOO, $DBA) also remain strong and are worth watching as we move into next week.

Some of stocks on our Watch List continue to rise with the strength of the overall market.

The Semiconductor Equipment makers $KLAC, $LRCX, $NVLS, and $AMAT remain strong and $CRUS has been a real rockstar!


Some of the Energy stocks look a bit extended while others have pulled back off of their most recent highs.

This sector has several stocks to watch going into next week.

Scroll through the charts in this sector and take a look at $BHI, $MEE, and $COG and watch to see if these stocks offer you a good trade setup.


A few of the Insurance stocks ($MET, $AET) are poised for a nice break out and Whole Foods ($WFMI) is still holding up and looking strong.

Take Two ($TTWO) and Electronic Arts ($ETRS) both rallied to NEW YEARLY HIGHS on nice volume this week so keep these on your Watch List as well.


We have a bunch of stocks on our Watch List as we move into next week.

The volume follow through we saw on Thursday and Friday puts us back in LONG mode but as always we will watch to see how the market follows through on Monday.

Until next week…Good Trading to YOU!

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